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Kidney Cancer: Types, Symptoms, Causes,Treatments and More

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs lying in the lower abdomen. They remove the waste products from the body. Kidney cancer is a disease where the cells of the kidney turn cancerous and grow out of control. It is also called as renal cancer. The exact cause of is unknown, but there are numerous risk factors such as smoking, drinking alcohol, obesity, high blood pressure, etc. Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Cancer There may be no symptoms in the early stages of kidney cancer. However, as the tumor grows, the following symptoms start appearing: Lump on one side of the abdomen Loss of appetite Blood in urine Unexplained weight loss Persistent pain on one side of the abdomen Anemia Extreme fatigue Unexplained fever Swelling in the legs As the cancer spreads to the other parts of the body, other symptoms that set in are: Extreme pain in the bones Coughing up blood Breathlessness Causes and Risk Factors of Kidney Cancer Generally, kidney cancer affects people a

Snoring and Sleep Apnea – What’s the Difference?

Facts About Snoring Snoring basically is the noise created by a vibration from a minor blockage in the throat or when the airway is restricted. Anybody can snore, but it has been studied that more than  50%  more men snore than women do. Men naturally have narrower air passages compared to women, and this increases their likelihood to snore. Although it can be annoying to your bedmate,  snoring  is not necessarily a serious issue. But, there is the possibility that it could be a sign of a dangerous medical issue and should be analyzed. It is recommended to seek medical attention if you wake up gasping for air or coughing. These may be signs of a more serious sleep condition, such as sleep apnea. One cause of snoring may be your  sleeping position , avoid sleeping on your back, which can increase the sound of snoring, because your tongue may fall back and block your airways. Other causes of airway blockage may be due to a deviated nasal septum, soft or cleft palate

Top 5 Natural Epilepsy Treatments

Epilepsy is difficult to diagnose and treat, but the estimated 3 million Americans who experience it have difficulty coping with the condition. 1 Pharmacists can help patients take a big step towards managing their epilepsy by identifying epileptic triggers. According to Suzy Cohen, a pharmacist for the last 25 years, “becoming dehydrated or taking a hot shower can trigger a seizure, [and] sleep deprivation, a stressful interaction, or caffeine can all reduce your seizure threshold and trigger a seizure.” 2 Prescription medications can help deter epileptic seizures, but over time, patients may become resistant to the drugs’ effects. In terms of alternatives, here are some natural ways to treat epilepsy: 1.      Grape Seed Extract Grape seed extract has oligomeric proanthocyanidins, which are “highly protective compounds, especially to your hippocampus,” the part of the brain involved in memory that “also houses one of your seizure ‘switches,’” according to Cohen. 2.    

Acne: Types, Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

  Acne is defined as a chronic skin disorder in which the hair follicles become blocked and/or inflamed. There are several variants of acne and they range from mild to severe. In almost all cases, acne appears on the face, but acne can also affect the neck, chest, and back area. Although usually not considered a dangerous medical condition, acne can cause psychological distress and even skin scarring. Teenagers are the most commonly affected group with around 85% of 16-18 year olds believed to have some form of acne. However, some people may suffer from acne well into their 30s and 40s even. Although acne usually clears on its own during one’s mid-twenties, it is important to treat acne early on to prevent scarring and self-esteem problems. Most dermatologists agree that acne is not something we should ignore and given the many treatment options we have today, there’s no reason not to treat acne. However, treating acne can be difficult in some cases, but most acne responds to cur

Hepatitis Virus: How To Deal With It?

Hepatitis Introduction Hepatitis virus is a versatile virus that inflames the liver. It can be transmitted through a number of ways, and not all strands of hepatitis are lethal. The liver is the second largest organ in the human body, preceded by the skin (yes, the skin is an organ). It handles certain processes when dealing with substances that you consume, and helps in creating waste from these substances, as well as building cells. Among the processes of the liver: it creates urine; digests harmful substances (like alcohol), creates red blood cells; helps regulate the glucose level within the body and creates certain amino acids, which are the building blocks of the cells. As you can see, the liver is very important is vital to our survival. Signs and Symptoms Although hepatitis virus comes in various strains, its signs and symptoms are often similar. There are two phases to the virus: The first phase is called the acute phase. The symptoms in this phase are akin to a mil